What Got You Here Won't Get You There

"What Got You Here Won't Get You There" is a self-help book written by Marshall Goldsmith that aims to help people achieve their goals and reach new heights in their career, including those in the healthcare industry. The book is based on the idea that many of the habits and behaviors that have helped us succeed in the past may actually be holding us back from reaching even greater heights in the future.

The book offers practical advice and techniques for breaking bad habits and adopting new, more effective behaviors. Goldsmith identifies 20 common behaviors that can hinder our success, including failing to listen, taking credit for others' work, and not expressing gratitude. He then provides strategies for overcoming these habits and replacing them with more effective behaviors, such as setting clear goals, seeking feedback, and being accountable for our actions. These strategies can be particularly useful for healthcare professionals looking to advance in their careers and make a positive impact on patient care.

In Section Three: How We Can Change For The Better, Goldsmith discusses the importance of seeking feedback and being open to change in order to achieve success. He also introduces the concept of "feedforward", which involves seeking guidance and advice on how to improve in the future rather than focusing on the past. This can be especially valuable for healthcare professionals, as the field is constantly evolving and it is important to stay up-to-date and adapt to new developments.

Some strategies for overcoming bad habits and adopting new behaviors include:

  • Setting clear goals

  • Seeking feedback

  • Being accountable for our actions

  • Telling the world about our goals and plans

  • Practicing active listening

  • Expressing gratitude

  • Following up on commitments

  • Using "feedforward" rather than feedback

Overall, "What Got You Here Won't Get You There" is a valuable resource for anyone in the healthcare industry looking to improve their career prospects and reach their full potential. It offers practical, actionable advice for breaking bad habits and adopting new behaviors that will help us succeed in the long run.

Here’s the link for the audible version of the book: https://www.audible.com/pd/What-Got-You-Here-Wont-Get-You-There-Audiobook/B002V8LMDS?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp


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